Windview operates Sport Field Specific Toro 4500D and John Deere 9009 with 9ft wide striping mowers to offer the best possible cut.
Field Construction / Conversion / Transition
We perform bermudagrass transitions, little league conversions, full field renovation and construction.
Soil Testing
All samples are sent to local labs to determine nutrient requirements.
By following a sustainable program, we feed plants as needed with properly calibrated equipment. Organic and synthetic products are used to provide nutrients to the turfgrass plants throughout the year.
Core Aerification
Aerification relieves compaction, improves oxygen exchange, reduces thatch, increases infiltration and creates channels for root growth with industry leading John Deere Aercore 2000 aerators. Perfect for fairways and sports fields!
This is the vertical cutting into the turf canopy that severs stolons of bermudagrass plants to stimulate growth in late spring and reduce thatch. This process is often performed in the fall on cool season turf.
Deep-Tine Aerification
Solid and coring tines to relieve subsurface compaction to open up the root zone and increase infiltration with the industry leading Soil Reliever line of equipment.
Shockwave Linear Decompaction
A great practice to relive soil compaction and improve aeration on high use areas.
Sandmaster Drainage
Our sandmaster produces 1 inch channels every 10 inches to improve your surface drainage while also relieving any compaction. The sandmaster can inject kiln dried sand, damp sand and even compost into your field and fairways.
Laser Grading
Our laser guided machines are great for small areas like tees and infields. We also service larger areas like entire sport fields and driving range tees.
Debris Management
This includes the removal of cores, thatch, clippings, leaves and other debris from fields and fairways to create a clean surface immediately following aerification services or vertical mowing.
Slit Seeding
Over seeding ryegrass, bluegrass, tall fescue and bermudagrass at the properly calibrated rate on 2” spacing.
We operate John Deere 200 gallon sprayers to perform all necessary applications.
We spread sand, compost, topsoil and crumb rubber with the Dakota line of topdressers.
Infield Preparation
We perform grooming, grading, edging, weed control, pre and post-game maintenance, mound and home plate renovation.
Artificial Turf Maintenance
We offer light and heavy brushing with magnets and cleaning to stand up fibers and eliminate debris. Also, We offer Klegg testing for surface hardness.
Growth Covers
Recovery of high wear areas by keeping soil warm over the winter months to re-establish seed or sod growth.
Windview Athletic Fields is the preferred choice for athletic fields maintenance programs and services. Do you have a field that needs a dense turfgrass stand established or just want to take your field to the professional level? We have the staff, knowledge, products and equipment to help you exceed your goals and expectations. We are dedicated to improving the quality and playability of your athletic fields. We understand each field is unique. We gather scientific information, perform field assessments and understand your goals before starting a program or service to ensure the best results. Every program and service is personalized to make certain your field is in first-class condition. Our customized programs and services turn your athletic fields into a point of pride for everyone in your organization. Get ready to have extraordinary, lush and safe athletic fields! Includes, but not limited to:
• Baseball
• Softball
• Little League
• Soccer
• Football
• Lacrosse
• Field Hockey
• Rugby
In addition to natural turfgrass, we offer services for artificial fields. Get in touch for a free assessment.
Windview Athletic Fields operates with the top of the line equipment and best practices to construct or renovate athletic fields to professional standards. We specialize in a variety of athletic fields construction to support needs for all types of fields. Whatever your turfgrass requirements, we have the solution! Includes, but not limited to:
• Bermuda grass conversion
• Sod installation
• Sprig installation
• From seed establishment programs
• Regrading
• Drainage
• Irrigation
Fairway aerification is an essential part of golf course management and Windview Athletic Fields is here to make it easier. We offer solid and coring tine aerification using John Deere Aercore 2000s and deep tine aerification using the Soil Reliever line of equipment.
We create cost effective programs that are completed in a timely manner. Course clean-up is fast and effective with our John Deere TC125. Sand topdressing can be applied following the aerification event with our Dakota Turf Tender.